MoA installation

Date : 95.8.13 (Sun), bgjang

brief desc. about directory :

For brief description about directory, see FILES file.

Prerequisite to compile

Although distirubuted program itself contains the following prerequisites but can be solved following the instructions 4.3 in next section.


Notice : you must fix Makefile in the following directories for your environment if needed.

  1. make a directory in which you compile MoA like MoA
  2. cd MoA
  3. uncompress & untar distributed file named MoA.X.X.X.tar.gz (Don't ask me "how can I uncompress and untar it?") You can see the files and sub directories are extracted from tar file into current directory.
  4. before make, fix Makefile as your wish.

    1. Each sub directory of src directory contains its own Makefile. As usual, you must fix all of these Makefile.
    2. -Qoption cpp -B compile option was used for C++ style comments. But it works only SunOS 4.1.X so this option must be changed to the other one for C++ style comments.
    3. In src/token directory, lex.c is generated when compiling on SunOS 4.1.X KLE using Perl script named lexconv in the same directory and /bin/lex. But in the other OS, it cannot be generated. So I copyed lex.c file in etc directory. Copy it to src/token directory and modify Makefile not to generate lex.cautomatically, then it can works.

  5. make will compile all libraries, utilities and MoA
  6. make install will install utilities and MoA to bin directory.


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